Thursday, July 14, 2011

The most attractive feature that delivers the power of .tel is the ability by the .tel owner to control the contents of a .tel page in real time. Telnic explains this on their website at (see our screenshot below).

The .tel domain comes with up to 3000 (the present limit per domain) ready to create tel pages. What does this mean? Well, this means when you purchase a .tel domain you don't have to find a web designer and a hosting company to publish your web site. All you have to do it to provide the contents.( i.e. contact details, location information etc, in the case of a organization). And all these information can be updated instantly. Read Telnic's explanation at (see our screenshot below)

Another advantage of having a .tel domain is that it can be shared and have its content updated regularly according to the requirement of the user of a tel page.This type of services are provided by third party developers like TELcp
Creating Directories for commercial purpose is also another advantage of having a tel domain. A .tel owner of a Geographical name (i.e. name of a city, town, village or a place) can create up to 2999 (based on present limit) pages for renting out to others. A sample Geo Directory based on the fictitious name "mytown" (see our screenshot below) is a good example for creating directories for commercial purposes.

An easy way to create a geo directory in 4 steps is explained at